Papaya, my favorite, once considered exotic, they are now available in the market throughout the year. Columbus must have loved it dearly; that must be the reason he called papaya 'Fruit of Angels'. Deliciously sweet with a vibrant color, papaya is one of the popular fruits all around the world.

Some of the health related benefits of papaya are:
- Promote Digestive health
The nutrients of papaya are very helpful in prevention of colon cancer. Papaya stimulates in production of digestion enzymes.
-Boost Immune System
Papaya's carotenes triggers the production of Vitamin C and A in body that are responsible to strengthen the body immunity agains antigens.
-Asthma Prevention
Beta-carotene contents of papaya lowers the risk of developing asthma in people who consume papaya.
Papaya promotes faster wound healing and prevent infection in burned areas. Papin enzymes are considered very good for the skin.
Papaya grow in tropical climate. They are oval or pear- shaped fruits weighing about 1-2 pounds. Their flesh is rich orange color and is heavenly soft, butter- like consistency with a musky taste. The core of papaya is an empty cavity surrounded by black round seeds encased in gelatinous-like substance.
Besides the taste, papaya is has very high nutritional value. Basically, the fruit contains an enzyme called papin that has greater role in protein digestion. It is considered that ripe papayas have higher concentration of papin than that of unripe papayas. Besides papin, papaya is rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, B, carotenes, pantothenic acid and minerals like copper, potassium, magnesium etc.

Some of the health related benefits of papaya are:
- Promote Digestive health
The nutrients of papaya are very helpful in prevention of colon cancer. Papaya stimulates in production of digestion enzymes.
-Boost Immune System
Papaya's carotenes triggers the production of Vitamin C and A in body that are responsible to strengthen the body immunity agains antigens.
-Asthma Prevention
Beta-carotene contents of papaya lowers the risk of developing asthma in people who consume papaya.
Papaya promotes faster wound healing and prevent infection in burned areas. Papin enzymes are considered very good for the skin.
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