Thursday, August 3, 2017

Back Day!!

When you get in the gym, it is common you want to hit the most showy muscles often. You hit your chest, your arms and abs. These are the front region of your upper half of the body. But if you really want a better looking and distinguishing  physique, you've got to build big and wide back.

So skipping your back day, I don't think is tiny bit close to wise.

Before we begin the workout, it is very important to learn the anatomy to get the best out of the back day. We need to learn how the muscles work, how they move and so on.

Latissimus Dorsi(Simply known as Lats):
There are two sets of lats that runs from the front side of humerus, comes down attaches to your scapula all the way to lower thoracic spine. These sets of muscles work together to assist the rotation of upper limb.

Trapezius(Simply known as traps):
You've got your upper traps that run from your skull and come down and attach your shoulder. Next is your middle traps and lies in upper middle back area. And the last one is the lower traps that runs on your lower middle back area. The upper traps elevates the scapula and rotate it during movement of arm. The middle traps work with Rhomboids and assist in retracting the scapula whereas the lower trap full the scapula inferiorly.

These muscles lie underneath the middle taps. Rhomboids can be classified as Rhomboid minor and Rhomboid major.  The Rhomboids along with the traps helps in retracting and rotating scapula.

Goodness of Chicken

The earlier blog was really 'chicken obsessed'. Here, I am going to talk about the health benefits of chicken.
Chicken is the meat item that has high nutritional value. It has high protein content, minerals and vital vitamins. According to USCD , 100gm of chicken contains 18g protein, 15gm fat, 11mg calcium, 20 mg magnesium, 147mg phosphorus, 149mg potassium, 70mg sodium. Besides, it contains vitamins like vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B6&12, vitamin A,E,D and K.

The health benefits of chicken are:

-Body building
Each ounce of chicken have about 7gm of protein. Protein is very important for growth and development of body. Protein is made up of amino acid that helps in building muscle fibre.  The daily requirement of protein is about 1gm for 1kg body weight. This is the reason why most of body builders never miss chicken in their diet.

-Source of vitamins :
Chicken is the rich source of water soluble vitamins B and C and also non soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.  The vitamins are necessary in breaking down carbohydrates and releasing energy, blood clotting, formation of RBC and so on.  Vitamin D helps in  calcium absorption, Vitamin A helps in building eye sight.

-Source of minerals:
Chicken contains minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus.  Calcium and phosphorus helps in growth and development of bone and teeth. They help in development of cell membrane.  These minerals helps in strengthening the body immunity. They as well regulate the digestive system.

Hello Chicketerians!!

Pak Pak Pak Pakauuu!!🐔(Hello in chicken style)

Have you ever, in your life, thought that what would you do if there were no chickens left? Thought as in deep kind of.... If so; congratulations, you are a chicketerian. 
If you ask me to define what Chicketerian  is, there wouldn't be any better way than 'Veggies is to vegetarians, Chicken is to chicketerians'.  

Yes, I am a checketerian. Chicken is love, chicken is life. I don't know how will I survive without chicken(Well practically I would but still....) And I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one.

Talking about fish, I only prefer grilled or fried. Pork, barbecued. Buff, momos. Mutton nayy! But chicken; I enjoy eating all varieties of chicken and if you ask my favorite, I would say them all. Vegans, ya'll really missing out something in the beautiful world of us and chicken. Seriously!!

Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world. It is believed that chickens were first(some hundred years back) domesticated in India for cock fighting. But later it was done for meat and eggs. 

There are many different varieties of chicken like curry, roast, stuffed, grilled and so on. Personally, I love the taste of chicken. Like the taste, chicken have good nutritional values. Chicken is rich in protein. According to USCD , 100gm of chicken contains 18g protein, 15gm fat, 11mg calcium, 20 mg magnesium, 147mg phosphorus, 149mg potassium, 70mg sodium. Besides, it contains vitamins like vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B6&12, vitamin A,E,D and K.